Welcome to MEPLA video web

We are a complementary page to MEPLA’s web page.. The Center of Research » Popular Latin American Memory »  produces testimony-book and audiovisual material. For more infomation aboutf this Center you should consult: http://www.meplacentro.org/

The audiovisual production of Mepla can be classified in two big areas: documentaries carried out by the cinema director: Luis Acevedo Fals and some collaborators, and  pedagogical audiovisuals that consist of chats of Marta Harnecker that permit political formation without an instructor.

This web page offers most of these documentaries freely and all of the pedagogical audiovisuals. Those documentaries that talk about processes of popular participation have been organized in a cycle of video-debate: Learning participation without instructor. The page also offers a methodological proposal to use both materials and the link to the texts related to them.

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